Faking of the Zapruder Film

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The CIA The FBI JFK and Disinformation

I was sitting here thinking about our experiences with disinformation over the last months.

It take a lot to fool us but yet we were taken and fooled by the best of the best. Its like santa claus really. You trust in something, care for something and get excited at the tought of it being there, you believe in it and only see the good and happy things it brings you. You take comfort in it being there and then suddenly you wake up one day and someone tells you its not real. That's like the Internet these days.

Six months ago if you had asked me for one personally, I would have said the people control the net, the government can never take that from the people. Now today I couldn't say the same. I would have to say the Government does control the net, it controls the way you think and directs you in the direction it wants to take you.

Awareness was always there of Echelon, the government watching of telecommunications, email, phone, snail mail, radio and so on. But to finally realise how deep the claws of the government dig is incredible. Psyops and mind control by the use of such programs as cointelpro counter intellignce programs. Silent infiltration of the peoples media by trained agents.

Usenets groups, mail lists, forums, bulletin boards, chat rooms, the place where the people talk freely and go about their newly created cyberlives without realising the sinister face of that person sitting beside them in virtual reality, hidden behind a keyboard and an ip address, nameless, faceless and their to do a job.

To search out the undesirables, they are not so visible on the streets anymore, the fight has stepped into cyberspace. The protesters and the justic fighters have abandoned the picket lines for a new media where they can freely have their say, well they think.

The Jeff Wiesses of the world, lonely in a place of darkness but shares his innermost thoughts and dark desires via the net, on forums and in weblogs not unlike this one. The people who stand up and shout this is not right, do so by finger tapping madly away, posting entry after entry of daa and thoguhts. Who needs to watch you? Who needs to bug you? Who needs to follow you? When you fill your days blog with your days activites and your innermost dreams, who is watching, recording, taking notes?

The people have taken cyberpsace as their own, an extension of themselves that they wouldn't share with their families, co workers, girlfriends or boyfriends but the blog hears all. The post on that forum says exactly what you are thinking, what you are feeling, what you are going to do next, but who cares? Well that is the question, who does care? Who would care enough about it to employ a program who cares about just that.

Cyberspace is inhabited by those who dare to be different, the lost souls, the thinkers, the smart ones. The ones who couldn't be bothered going down to the pub for a beer and a game of pool and a buddy buddy chat with the boys playing darts. No, come to think of it, cyberspacce doesn't even have much of a pub role playing game scene.

Cyberspace is inhabited by a new genre of being. and somewhere theres a place just for that person, whether it be a techie hangout, conspiracy hangout, role playing game hangout, army war games hangout, news hangout or lonely hearts club and even sex hangout.

It's like the holladeck on star trek voyage. Theres something for everyone to immerse in, fantasize and find a home for their mind. Whatever your fancy, whatever your whim, whatever yuo DESIRE. Whatever your weakness, it's there. and that is the key weakness, rule number one onhow to exploit the enemy... through their weakness.

A simple tracker and everything is known, sexual preference, likes, dislikes, a full psychological profile can be created. A simple read of an Internet blog, even if it's set to private will reveal all.

But why? Why would all this be exploited? Why would everything be infiltrated at such a high saturation point?

The answer to that si simple, long ago the government realised that the next stage of dissident action would start through like minded people being drawn to familiararity on the Internet. Dissident action would start through the underground and through Internet communication methods. It had to be infiltrated early, tropps put in place armed and ready for action. If you believe that 9/11 was an inside job, then you are going to go and search out others that believe /11 was an inside job. There you will find infiltration designed to control your thoughts, change your mind and nip you in the bud.

If you believe and realise that the JFK assassination was a massive cover-up that could only have been perpetrated in such high form by a gov agency or agencies then sooner or later you are going to search out further truthes, further confirmation and discussion of your thoughts and ideas. If t was such a massive government cover-up then it stands to reason that psyops will be at war.

Trying to track some of the recent 'theplanet' probes blocked by firewall :
OrgName: ThePlanet.com Internet Services, Inc.
Address: 1333 North Stemmons Freeway
Address: Suite 110
City: Dallas
StateProv: TX
PostalCode: 75207
Country: US
The argument establishes that the Protest Warriors and KOBE work TOGETHER in concert. That is, the Protest Warriors call for an coordinate attacks against NYC IndyMedia and KOBE provides the means to execute those attacks and carries them out.
KOBE is run by Josiah Hagen. Josiah Hagen works for a small employer and the projects they are working on are for the CIA.
Furthermore, an inside source confirms and offer by the CIA to Cycorp to wage cyber warfare on Americans. That project is KOBE. Therefore KOBE is a private project funded by the CIA. KOBE and Protest Warriors share resources and wor as
one online. Therefore, Protest Warriors is separated from the CIA only by KOBE.
Josiah Hagen, in addition to these activities, is a member of the same very small gun range that the leaders of the Protest Warriors use.
For mysterious reasons the Protest Warrior leaders were moved from the Bay area of California to Austin just when they began operations.
This is a direct and irrefutable connection

In an effort to serve American national security,
JackBlood.com has traced the address of the alleged Islamic website,
since the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI are too busy
tracking down 12-year-old music downloaders, strip-searching 80-year-old
grandmothers at airports, gathering private information dossiers on
law-abiding citizens, and giving away amnesty visas to illegal aliens.
Statements posted on an 'Islamist website,' by individuals
with alleged ties to Al-Qaeda leader and former CIA protégé Osama bin
Laden, claimed responsibility for the kidnapping of Paul M. Johnson, a
U.S. contractor in Saudi Arabia.
One of the statements said: "Our fighters of the Fallujah
Brigade in the Arabian peninsula have kidnapped an American, a
Christian, Paul M. Johnson Jr. born in 1955 and working as an
aeronautics engineer," said the statement signed "Al-Qaeda in the
Arabian peninsula" and published on the Islamist website
The "Al-Qaeda group" claiming responsibility for the
kidnapping posted a passport size photo of Johnson and a Lockheed-Martin
business card on the website. According to their statements, he will be
treated "the same the way U.S. troops have treated Iraqi prisoners."
JackBlood.com conducted a domain name search for the website
www.ansarnet.ws and the following results pointed out to an address in
Dallas, Texas.

Address lookup
canonical name
Domain Whois record
Queried whois.worldsite.ws with "ansarnet.ws"...
Welcome to the .WS Whois Server
Domain Name: ANSARNET.WS
Registrant: Registered through Go Daddy Software, Inc. (GoDaddy.com)
Domain created on 2004-05-31 05:37:51
Domain last updated on 2004-05-31 05:37:51
Name servers:
ns2.micfo.com ......................
ns1.micfo.com ......................
Network Whois record
Queried whois.arin.net with ""...
OrgName: ThePlanet.com Internet Services, Inc.
Address: 1333 North Stemmons Freeway
Address: Suite 110
City: Dallas
StateProv: TX
PostalCode: 75207
Country: US

Letsroll 9/11 Fascinating links of cointelpro written in Feb 2004. Includes theplanet.com and everyones Internet.


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