Faking of the Zapruder Film

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Laura Knight Jadczyk: Bridge Over Troubled Waters

Laura Knight Jadczyk: Bridge Over Troubled Waters

As time goes on and I study deeper on the issue of the Zapruder film I find more and more evidence that the film was tampered with and more and more people who are standing up and saying this is not right. This Zapruder film is fake. It is not real.

The Disinfo and cointelpro agents have been in damage control mode for many years over this issue. But yuo can bury a truth for so long before it grows with the lie until it eventually grows strong enough to burst out from the ground and sweep all lies from it's path.

Sooner or later the world will stand up and say this Zapruder film has been tampered with it is fake. And then the questions will begin. The how, what, when, where's and whys of the matter.

The truth threatens the very institution that faked it. Who did fake it? The CIA, the FBI? and what measures have they gone to over the years to conceal and bury the truth. How many people have been destroyed and obliterated in the search of truth over the whole JFK Assassination.

Basically how much doo doo is the CIA and FBI in when it all comes tumbling out. And it is, tumbling out, there is a steadily growing faction of people screaming for the truth. More and more everyday. As people say the Zapruder Cartoon is the best film they have ever seen... For a fake

Quote -

Like the Kennedy assassination and its magic bullet, belief in the official story of 9/11 requires an heroic amount of self-denial. And like the Kennedy assassination, the operation was so complex that even honest researchers into the affair find themselves polarized, even when they have the best of intentions. For instance, researchers who spent years or decades studying the Zapruder Film for answers refuse to accept evidence that the film itself is a tampered, unreal document and unreliable source.

Now, just four years after 9/11, we have the spectacle of some people who hang on to the silly government Pentagon story taking to the airwaves and maillists denouncing researchers unwilling to discard basic physics as "COINTELPRO agents" and "Zionists." This kind of activity has the unfortunate effect of causing the attacked and more advanced researchers to become even more paranoid than necessary and more neurotic than previously, seeking out threats where there are none and picking fights with people that should be their allies. At least these sad sacks are more grounded in reality than those still holding on to ridiculous official paradigms.

If I was the people responsible and I am not and I am glad I am not because I personally hold human life dear and in high regard, then I would stop now before damage control is impossible to continue. These guys will destroy humainty at the rate they are going in the pursuit of hiding the truth. How long are the people going to stay complacent. How long ar ehte people going to allow the wanton lies and destruction to contrinue. How long before the people wake up and say this is not right, this has to stop. In the march for the NWO they have marched on in and taken over. Stop them now before it's too late and mankind is reduced to a slave society for the few rich controllers.


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