Faking of the Zapruder Film

Saturday, February 04, 2006

The Greenman and the Fake Zapruder Film JFK Assassination

JFK Assassination - Old Story New Questions - The Green Man

The JFK assassination has fascinated people from the day it first occured on November 22 1963. Man theories have been forwaded on what really happened that day. But that is all they are, theories, No one person or persons has declared with unrefutable proof, the Truth. For the first time programs like photoshop and irfanview can be sued to take a closer look at the images left behind ogf this day and what is found is shocking and fascinating. The cover up of the Killing of a President.


Over the years many witnesses to the case have died in mysterious circumstances, starting off with Lee Harvey Oswald and going right through to researchers and journalists like Dorothy Killgallen, who interviewed Jack Ruby before his death (he told his family that he had cancer cells injected into him). She died just as she was believed to be writing an expose on the assassination and she had passed notes to Florence SMith, Kennedies mistress, who incidently recalled that LJB had said to her after the assassination that Jack had to go, the oil men demanded it. Florence SMith died two days after Killgallen and the notes that were passed were never found. There ae many more stories and suspicious deaths surrounding the case. How long will this be allowed to go on for. When are people going to say enough we want the truth starting with JFK and ending now.

Theories such as follows.
Driver did it - quite clear in some copies of the Zapruder film.
Umbrella Man fired the first shot - well he certainly was suspicious.
His companion signalling (The Dark Complected Man)
The Grassy knoll shooter
The overpass shooter
The men on steps.

All these have been covered quite thoroughly with the evidence that is avilable to researchers today.

But there is one aspect of the Zapruder film that has not been covered very much at all and that is the Green Man and his companion One Leg Man. In the Zapruder film it is quite clear that the Green man has his hands pointed out in front of him at the time of the apparent first shot (the Neck shot) and then as the limo passes, JFK grabs his throat, Dark Complected Man raises his hand, Umbrella Man shakes his Umbrella and Green Man lowers his hands and continues, with objects in both hands, before moving his hands behind his back and throwing something on the ground behind him, before moving his hands back to the front.

3.8mb gif of the assassination sequence including Green Man

This movement is suspicious in itself but becomes more so when all the still of the sequence are looked at more closely and then put through photoshop and different filters used on the pictures. His body shape is not right, in many of the pictures his body is twisted in impossible positions but when viewing it in photoshop it becomes clearer. It is not one man the Green man it is more, there is another person edited out of the picture. It certainly appears that he points an object at the limo as it passes and then throws it behind his back. what was he doing, why isn't he mentioned anywhere in witness reports and why has noone mentioned his suspicious moves before now. The most important question would be why was HE edited. Did these people actually fire the Neck SHot. Some theories hold that JFK had a paralysing dart shot in his neck, which would explain why he was so stiff and rigid when the final head shot came. Did the Green Man (men) fire this dart?

As stated when hundreds and hundreds of documents were waded through, no mention of this part of the assassination was made. Jim Hicks was put forward in one page as being across and up from Umbrella Man but all other reports have him at the corner of Elm, well before the positioning of Green man and his companion (s).

Programs like photoshop were not available to average everyday people in the sixities and seventies and who could have predicted that they would be. Now today photos are easily picked apart and that should be encouraged,. More people should look at these photos and see for themselves that the official lines are not as they seem. It is possible that conspiracy fans have edited some of these to make it look like certain things happened but overall the edits are too big. There is too much changed. Even with witnsess statements.

And then there is One Leg Man who we find running from the scene after the shooting with some extra packaging. What is down his trousers and why does it look like he has either a rifle or a peg leg down there along with an umbrella in his pocket and something in his hands.

Why are there edits to the photos avialble of the man on the steps, what was behind his back and what is in the box at his feet. Was it a radio to keep contact with other operatives.

Why was there so few people in Dealey Plaza that day considering the fact that all the rest of the route the President took was thickly lined with people cheering. Were all or most of the people in Dealey Plaza part of the assassination conspiracy. Why was the route changed to travel through an area that is just set up and asking for an ambush? Why did the limo slow down, why were the secret service and police told too hold back and not flank the presidential limo?

and if the Zapruder films show faking on the head shot, faking of the driver "gun" and faking of the green man, does this mean the whole film is faked? The film rights were bought by the editor of Time, Henry Luce, an anti Kennedy person. He locke dthe film away and died himself in 1967. The Zapruder film was finally released in 1975. Star Wars was released in 1977 which can give you an idea of special effects able to be created in the 70's.

There are so many lies but what is the most unbelievable about the whole assassination is the tampering of photos and films of the assassination. The question is why and who. Is it to do with LBJ who was going to be dropped of the 1964 ticket as Kennedy's running mate? After all his backers were part of what is now Halliburton Oil. Was it the CIA, Hunt and his connections to the Cuban Bay Of Pigs episode that eventually came to a head in the Watergate scandal? Was it the Russians, was it a lone nut called Oswald, was it the Mafia, or was it them all.

I don't think anyone will know for a long time exactly who did kill JFK and why but considering the tampering of evidence, the setup of the Warren Commsion by LBJ and the altering of photos, films and death of witnesses I think it is safe to say that it had to have been a Government group of some kind, for example the CIA. There is no way all this evidence could have been changed without the assistance of the CIA. But the chain of the tampering of evidence and voices silenced is incredibly long.

There are so many red Herrings involved in this case researcher could be chasing their tails for many years to come. The cover up continues. John Kennedy Junior was killed in a plance crash not long after he announced he was starting his won investigation into his father's death. Will we the people ever receive the full truth.

As said though it is very strange that Green man is not mentioned anywhere. Even in diagrams with witnesses placed on the day of the assassination show a blank spot where these men were standing. Why is this, why was the film edited there, what are they hiding, what part of the conspiracy did they play that is the Killing of a president.

http://img419.imageshack.us/img419/1055/dealeyplaza6qf.gif <--diagram of witnesses positions on the day.

In some photos even the people involved have been altered, JFK, the Secret Service, Mrs Connally and Jackie in her pink outfit.

This is not the same suit. Notice the way the buttons are done up and the shape of the outfit. Different hair and different suit.

How do we spell Stemmens. Two different spellings, same time same place and where have the women gone. In the colour photo the post is all crooked and edited from the Stemmens sign. Notice the strange twist to SS agent Hill's legs on the running board.

To summarize, who is Green Man and what is the truth. How long will the public continue to be decieved and misled on this event. Where Lies the truth. There can be one thousand lies and only one truth and it this case that is exactly what has happened.

Thanks To Jimstradamus for his work on this theory.


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