Faking of the Zapruder Film

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Ponerology: The Science of Evil: Return of the Puppet Masters: Ponerological Implications of Toxoplasmosis

Ponerology: The Science of Evil: Return of the Puppet Masters: Ponerological Implications of Toxoplasmosis

Fascinating link about toxoplasmosis and brain control of parasites. It goes along the lines of my thoughts on Tuberculosis - mycobacterium. Mycobacterium or TB has been known to cause brain changes in patients including severe mental illness. I also believe that tuberculosis (mycobacterium) is somehow tied into types of lung cancer. More and more we are finding the ties between cancers and viruses and bacterias in patients.

Just lately malaria is coming under the microscope for 'strange behaviour and links".

Saturday, February 04, 2006

The Greenman and the Fake Zapruder Film JFK Assassination

JFK Assassination - Old Story New Questions - The Green Man

The JFK assassination has fascinated people from the day it first occured on November 22 1963. Man theories have been forwaded on what really happened that day. But that is all they are, theories, No one person or persons has declared with unrefutable proof, the Truth. For the first time programs like photoshop and irfanview can be sued to take a closer look at the images left behind ogf this day and what is found is shocking and fascinating. The cover up of the Killing of a President.


Over the years many witnesses to the case have died in mysterious circumstances, starting off with Lee Harvey Oswald and going right through to researchers and journalists like Dorothy Killgallen, who interviewed Jack Ruby before his death (he told his family that he had cancer cells injected into him). She died just as she was believed to be writing an expose on the assassination and she had passed notes to Florence SMith, Kennedies mistress, who incidently recalled that LJB had said to her after the assassination that Jack had to go, the oil men demanded it. Florence SMith died two days after Killgallen and the notes that were passed were never found. There ae many more stories and suspicious deaths surrounding the case. How long will this be allowed to go on for. When are people going to say enough we want the truth starting with JFK and ending now.

Theories such as follows.
Driver did it - quite clear in some copies of the Zapruder film.
Umbrella Man fired the first shot - well he certainly was suspicious.
His companion signalling (The Dark Complected Man)
The Grassy knoll shooter
The overpass shooter
The men on steps.

All these have been covered quite thoroughly with the evidence that is avilable to researchers today.

But there is one aspect of the Zapruder film that has not been covered very much at all and that is the Green Man and his companion One Leg Man. In the Zapruder film it is quite clear that the Green man has his hands pointed out in front of him at the time of the apparent first shot (the Neck shot) and then as the limo passes, JFK grabs his throat, Dark Complected Man raises his hand, Umbrella Man shakes his Umbrella and Green Man lowers his hands and continues, with objects in both hands, before moving his hands behind his back and throwing something on the ground behind him, before moving his hands back to the front.

3.8mb gif of the assassination sequence including Green Man

This movement is suspicious in itself but becomes more so when all the still of the sequence are looked at more closely and then put through photoshop and different filters used on the pictures. His body shape is not right, in many of the pictures his body is twisted in impossible positions but when viewing it in photoshop it becomes clearer. It is not one man the Green man it is more, there is another person edited out of the picture. It certainly appears that he points an object at the limo as it passes and then throws it behind his back. what was he doing, why isn't he mentioned anywhere in witness reports and why has noone mentioned his suspicious moves before now. The most important question would be why was HE edited. Did these people actually fire the Neck SHot. Some theories hold that JFK had a paralysing dart shot in his neck, which would explain why he was so stiff and rigid when the final head shot came. Did the Green Man (men) fire this dart?

As stated when hundreds and hundreds of documents were waded through, no mention of this part of the assassination was made. Jim Hicks was put forward in one page as being across and up from Umbrella Man but all other reports have him at the corner of Elm, well before the positioning of Green man and his companion (s).

Programs like photoshop were not available to average everyday people in the sixities and seventies and who could have predicted that they would be. Now today photos are easily picked apart and that should be encouraged,. More people should look at these photos and see for themselves that the official lines are not as they seem. It is possible that conspiracy fans have edited some of these to make it look like certain things happened but overall the edits are too big. There is too much changed. Even with witnsess statements.

And then there is One Leg Man who we find running from the scene after the shooting with some extra packaging. What is down his trousers and why does it look like he has either a rifle or a peg leg down there along with an umbrella in his pocket and something in his hands.

Why are there edits to the photos avialble of the man on the steps, what was behind his back and what is in the box at his feet. Was it a radio to keep contact with other operatives.

Why was there so few people in Dealey Plaza that day considering the fact that all the rest of the route the President took was thickly lined with people cheering. Were all or most of the people in Dealey Plaza part of the assassination conspiracy. Why was the route changed to travel through an area that is just set up and asking for an ambush? Why did the limo slow down, why were the secret service and police told too hold back and not flank the presidential limo?

and if the Zapruder films show faking on the head shot, faking of the driver "gun" and faking of the green man, does this mean the whole film is faked? The film rights were bought by the editor of Time, Henry Luce, an anti Kennedy person. He locke dthe film away and died himself in 1967. The Zapruder film was finally released in 1975. Star Wars was released in 1977 which can give you an idea of special effects able to be created in the 70's.

There are so many lies but what is the most unbelievable about the whole assassination is the tampering of photos and films of the assassination. The question is why and who. Is it to do with LBJ who was going to be dropped of the 1964 ticket as Kennedy's running mate? After all his backers were part of what is now Halliburton Oil. Was it the CIA, Hunt and his connections to the Cuban Bay Of Pigs episode that eventually came to a head in the Watergate scandal? Was it the Russians, was it a lone nut called Oswald, was it the Mafia, or was it them all.

I don't think anyone will know for a long time exactly who did kill JFK and why but considering the tampering of evidence, the setup of the Warren Commsion by LBJ and the altering of photos, films and death of witnesses I think it is safe to say that it had to have been a Government group of some kind, for example the CIA. There is no way all this evidence could have been changed without the assistance of the CIA. But the chain of the tampering of evidence and voices silenced is incredibly long.

There are so many red Herrings involved in this case researcher could be chasing their tails for many years to come. The cover up continues. John Kennedy Junior was killed in a plance crash not long after he announced he was starting his won investigation into his father's death. Will we the people ever receive the full truth.

As said though it is very strange that Green man is not mentioned anywhere. Even in diagrams with witnesses placed on the day of the assassination show a blank spot where these men were standing. Why is this, why was the film edited there, what are they hiding, what part of the conspiracy did they play that is the Killing of a president.

http://img419.imageshack.us/img419/1055/dealeyplaza6qf.gif <--diagram of witnesses positions on the day.

In some photos even the people involved have been altered, JFK, the Secret Service, Mrs Connally and Jackie in her pink outfit.

This is not the same suit. Notice the way the buttons are done up and the shape of the outfit. Different hair and different suit.

How do we spell Stemmens. Two different spellings, same time same place and where have the women gone. In the colour photo the post is all crooked and edited from the Stemmens sign. Notice the strange twist to SS agent Hill's legs on the running board.

To summarize, who is Green Man and what is the truth. How long will the public continue to be decieved and misled on this event. Where Lies the truth. There can be one thousand lies and only one truth and it this case that is exactly what has happened.

Thanks To Jimstradamus for his work on this theory.



My Blog of everything but JFK

Laura Knight Jadczyk: Bridge Over Troubled Waters

Laura Knight Jadczyk: Bridge Over Troubled Waters

As time goes on and I study deeper on the issue of the Zapruder film I find more and more evidence that the film was tampered with and more and more people who are standing up and saying this is not right. This Zapruder film is fake. It is not real.

The Disinfo and cointelpro agents have been in damage control mode for many years over this issue. But yuo can bury a truth for so long before it grows with the lie until it eventually grows strong enough to burst out from the ground and sweep all lies from it's path.

Sooner or later the world will stand up and say this Zapruder film has been tampered with it is fake. And then the questions will begin. The how, what, when, where's and whys of the matter.

The truth threatens the very institution that faked it. Who did fake it? The CIA, the FBI? and what measures have they gone to over the years to conceal and bury the truth. How many people have been destroyed and obliterated in the search of truth over the whole JFK Assassination.

Basically how much doo doo is the CIA and FBI in when it all comes tumbling out. And it is, tumbling out, there is a steadily growing faction of people screaming for the truth. More and more everyday. As people say the Zapruder Cartoon is the best film they have ever seen... For a fake

Quote -

Like the Kennedy assassination and its magic bullet, belief in the official story of 9/11 requires an heroic amount of self-denial. And like the Kennedy assassination, the operation was so complex that even honest researchers into the affair find themselves polarized, even when they have the best of intentions. For instance, researchers who spent years or decades studying the Zapruder Film for answers refuse to accept evidence that the film itself is a tampered, unreal document and unreliable source.

Now, just four years after 9/11, we have the spectacle of some people who hang on to the silly government Pentagon story taking to the airwaves and maillists denouncing researchers unwilling to discard basic physics as "COINTELPRO agents" and "Zionists." This kind of activity has the unfortunate effect of causing the attacked and more advanced researchers to become even more paranoid than necessary and more neurotic than previously, seeking out threats where there are none and picking fights with people that should be their allies. At least these sad sacks are more grounded in reality than those still holding on to ridiculous official paradigms.

If I was the people responsible and I am not and I am glad I am not because I personally hold human life dear and in high regard, then I would stop now before damage control is impossible to continue. These guys will destroy humainty at the rate they are going in the pursuit of hiding the truth. How long are the people going to stay complacent. How long ar ehte people going to allow the wanton lies and destruction to contrinue. How long before the people wake up and say this is not right, this has to stop. In the march for the NWO they have marched on in and taken over. Stop them now before it's too late and mankind is reduced to a slave society for the few rich controllers.

Smoking Mirrors: And Down Will Come Baby, Cradle and All.

Smoking Mirrors: And Down Will Come Baby, Cradle and All.

Don't ever give up on freedom. Today our society is given the impression we are feee. Free of speech and free of thought. We are not free. We are the target of those who rule, those who must be obeyed and those that are the rich in our capitalistic society. We the people have been reduced to slavedom but as we earn a smal wage, a token of freedom we the people do not understand the chains of our bondage.

The Internet was seen by we the people as freedom of expression, as a way of expressing our thoughts, expressing our ideas and expressing our concerns with the shaping of our world but cyberspace has become a sinister bastion of control.

In the last few years our eyes have been opened to the deviousness of cyberspace. Of the new term coined in sin and lies, "cointelpro", the Counter Intelligence Program. How deep does it go.

Where once we believed that there possibly may be a few cointelpro agents scattered here and there watching and listening, it hasn't been until now that the depths of such programs and the deviousness of operatives has been revealed.

No it's not just China that is controlled with such tight bonds, it is us, "we the people" that are also chained to the walls of cyberspace and our every thought and writing controlled. Controlled by nameless, faceless opposition, shapeshifters, name changers and disinformation agents who do reign supreme. So subtlely that 95 percent of people wandering around in cyberspace do not even know the faceless opposition exists. Silently planting misinformation, quietly weeding out opposition to official lines and sneakily destroying those who do wake up. Those that do find out and those that realise they have been a fool for so long.

But is it so bad to be a fool and place trust, no it is far worse to deceive and to break trust. To take a truth and create a lie.

The Pyramid

YOU opened up the doorway
AND risked a look inside.
YOU couldn't share the vision
AND the truth you had to hide.

YOU didn't build the pyramid
AND structure things just right.
YOU went and split the atom
AND were blinded by sunlight.

YOU forgot to use a mirror
AND bounce it all around.
YOU turned away, closed the eye
AND didn't speak a sound.

YOU didn't see me watching
AND knowing all the lie.
YOU kept on chaining spirit
AND didn't hear it's sigh.

YOU lusted for more power
AND greed went hand in hand.
YOU acquired gold and diamonds
AND built castles in the sand.

YOU built up debt to Mother Earth
AND that will never be repaid.
YOU reaped the crop that you sowed
AND lay in the bed you made.

YOU have asked for nature's fury
AND that is exactly what you'll get.
YOU know nature is the balance
AND at dawn the sun will set.

Live by Ma'et. Live for truth. Live by Truth.

The Truth can always see a lie but a lie cannot always see the Truth.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The CIA The FBI JFK and Disinformation

I was sitting here thinking about our experiences with disinformation over the last months.

It take a lot to fool us but yet we were taken and fooled by the best of the best. Its like santa claus really. You trust in something, care for something and get excited at the tought of it being there, you believe in it and only see the good and happy things it brings you. You take comfort in it being there and then suddenly you wake up one day and someone tells you its not real. That's like the Internet these days.

Six months ago if you had asked me for one personally, I would have said the people control the net, the government can never take that from the people. Now today I couldn't say the same. I would have to say the Government does control the net, it controls the way you think and directs you in the direction it wants to take you.

Awareness was always there of Echelon, the government watching of telecommunications, email, phone, snail mail, radio and so on. But to finally realise how deep the claws of the government dig is incredible. Psyops and mind control by the use of such programs as cointelpro counter intellignce programs. Silent infiltration of the peoples media by trained agents.

Usenets groups, mail lists, forums, bulletin boards, chat rooms, the place where the people talk freely and go about their newly created cyberlives without realising the sinister face of that person sitting beside them in virtual reality, hidden behind a keyboard and an ip address, nameless, faceless and their to do a job.

To search out the undesirables, they are not so visible on the streets anymore, the fight has stepped into cyberspace. The protesters and the justic fighters have abandoned the picket lines for a new media where they can freely have their say, well they think.

The Jeff Wiesses of the world, lonely in a place of darkness but shares his innermost thoughts and dark desires via the net, on forums and in weblogs not unlike this one. The people who stand up and shout this is not right, do so by finger tapping madly away, posting entry after entry of daa and thoguhts. Who needs to watch you? Who needs to bug you? Who needs to follow you? When you fill your days blog with your days activites and your innermost dreams, who is watching, recording, taking notes?

The people have taken cyberpsace as their own, an extension of themselves that they wouldn't share with their families, co workers, girlfriends or boyfriends but the blog hears all. The post on that forum says exactly what you are thinking, what you are feeling, what you are going to do next, but who cares? Well that is the question, who does care? Who would care enough about it to employ a program who cares about just that.

Cyberspace is inhabited by those who dare to be different, the lost souls, the thinkers, the smart ones. The ones who couldn't be bothered going down to the pub for a beer and a game of pool and a buddy buddy chat with the boys playing darts. No, come to think of it, cyberspacce doesn't even have much of a pub role playing game scene.

Cyberspace is inhabited by a new genre of being. and somewhere theres a place just for that person, whether it be a techie hangout, conspiracy hangout, role playing game hangout, army war games hangout, news hangout or lonely hearts club and even sex hangout.

It's like the holladeck on star trek voyage. Theres something for everyone to immerse in, fantasize and find a home for their mind. Whatever your fancy, whatever your whim, whatever yuo DESIRE. Whatever your weakness, it's there. and that is the key weakness, rule number one onhow to exploit the enemy... through their weakness.

A simple tracker and everything is known, sexual preference, likes, dislikes, a full psychological profile can be created. A simple read of an Internet blog, even if it's set to private will reveal all.

But why? Why would all this be exploited? Why would everything be infiltrated at such a high saturation point?

The answer to that si simple, long ago the government realised that the next stage of dissident action would start through like minded people being drawn to familiararity on the Internet. Dissident action would start through the underground and through Internet communication methods. It had to be infiltrated early, tropps put in place armed and ready for action. If you believe that 9/11 was an inside job, then you are going to go and search out others that believe /11 was an inside job. There you will find infiltration designed to control your thoughts, change your mind and nip you in the bud.

If you believe and realise that the JFK assassination was a massive cover-up that could only have been perpetrated in such high form by a gov agency or agencies then sooner or later you are going to search out further truthes, further confirmation and discussion of your thoughts and ideas. If t was such a massive government cover-up then it stands to reason that psyops will be at war.

Trying to track some of the recent 'theplanet' probes blocked by firewall :
OrgName: ThePlanet.com Internet Services, Inc.
Address: 1333 North Stemmons Freeway
Address: Suite 110
City: Dallas
StateProv: TX
PostalCode: 75207
Country: US
The argument establishes that the Protest Warriors and KOBE work TOGETHER in concert. That is, the Protest Warriors call for an coordinate attacks against NYC IndyMedia and KOBE provides the means to execute those attacks and carries them out.
KOBE is run by Josiah Hagen. Josiah Hagen works for a small employer and the projects they are working on are for the CIA.
Furthermore, an inside source confirms and offer by the CIA to Cycorp to wage cyber warfare on Americans. That project is KOBE. Therefore KOBE is a private project funded by the CIA. KOBE and Protest Warriors share resources and wor as
one online. Therefore, Protest Warriors is separated from the CIA only by KOBE.
Josiah Hagen, in addition to these activities, is a member of the same very small gun range that the leaders of the Protest Warriors use.
For mysterious reasons the Protest Warrior leaders were moved from the Bay area of California to Austin just when they began operations.
This is a direct and irrefutable connection

In an effort to serve American national security,
JackBlood.com has traced the address of the alleged Islamic website,
since the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI are too busy
tracking down 12-year-old music downloaders, strip-searching 80-year-old
grandmothers at airports, gathering private information dossiers on
law-abiding citizens, and giving away amnesty visas to illegal aliens.
Statements posted on an 'Islamist website,' by individuals
with alleged ties to Al-Qaeda leader and former CIA protégé Osama bin
Laden, claimed responsibility for the kidnapping of Paul M. Johnson, a
U.S. contractor in Saudi Arabia.
One of the statements said: "Our fighters of the Fallujah
Brigade in the Arabian peninsula have kidnapped an American, a
Christian, Paul M. Johnson Jr. born in 1955 and working as an
aeronautics engineer," said the statement signed "Al-Qaeda in the
Arabian peninsula" and published on the Islamist website
The "Al-Qaeda group" claiming responsibility for the
kidnapping posted a passport size photo of Johnson and a Lockheed-Martin
business card on the website. According to their statements, he will be
treated "the same the way U.S. troops have treated Iraqi prisoners."
JackBlood.com conducted a domain name search for the website
www.ansarnet.ws and the following results pointed out to an address in
Dallas, Texas.

Address lookup
canonical name
Domain Whois record
Queried whois.worldsite.ws with "ansarnet.ws"...
Welcome to the .WS Whois Server
Domain Name: ANSARNET.WS
Registrant: Registered through Go Daddy Software, Inc. (GoDaddy.com)
Domain created on 2004-05-31 05:37:51
Domain last updated on 2004-05-31 05:37:51
Name servers:
ns2.micfo.com ......................
ns1.micfo.com ......................
Network Whois record
Queried whois.arin.net with ""...
OrgName: ThePlanet.com Internet Services, Inc.
Address: 1333 North Stemmons Freeway
Address: Suite 110
City: Dallas
StateProv: TX
PostalCode: 75207
Country: US

Letsroll 9/11 Fascinating links of cointelpro written in Feb 2004. Includes theplanet.com and everyones Internet.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

JFK Assassination - Faking of Zapruder


Since Jim and I began our JFK site lately we both have been surprised at the response we have recieved.

We fully expected to raise debate on the issue but were rather surprised at the Vehemance of Opposition to our work from some quarters. We were insulted, told we should receive the death penalty, ridiculed and more. Suffice to say we found the bahaviour very strange.

Other people applauded our work and some of the authors of JFK book and websites said we were on to something. We had already figured that, then a contact of authority in the JFK research community explained to us about the Government Disinformation Programs that are working in the JFK community.

We read the links that we were pointed to and then felt like ripe fools for being fooled for so long. Suddenly it all made sense. The tactics described were the exact tactics used against us and other people who have asked the "tricky questions' over the years.

Disinfo Tactics
It is the disinfo artist and those who may pull their strings (those who stand to suffer should the crime be solved) MUST seek to prevent rational and complete examination of any chain of evidence which would hang them. Since fact and truth seldom fall on their own, they must be overcome with lies and deceit. Those who are professional in the art of lies and deceit, such as the intelligence community and the professional criminal (often the same people or at least working together), tend to apply fairly well defined and observable tools in this process. However, the public at large is not well armed against such weapons, and is often easily led astray by these time-proven tactics. Remarkably, not even media and law enforcement have NOT BEEN TRAINED to deal with these issues. For the most part, only the players themselves understand the rules of the game

5. Sidetrack opponents with name calling and ridicule. This is also known as the primary 'attack the messenger' ploy, though other methods qualify as variants of that approach. Associate opponents with unpopular titles such as 'kooks', 'right-wing', 'liberal', 'left-wing', 'terrorists', 'conspiracy buffs', 'radicals', 'militia', 'racists', 'religious fanatics', 'sexual deviates', and so forth. This makes others shrink from support out of fear of gaining the same label, and you avoid dealing with issues.

Over the years there have been many mysterious deaths surrounding the JFK case along with many red herrings planted and much editing of film and photos evidence. So we understood the conspiracy was as such that it could only come from the top.

Once we understood this we looked at our postings and responses with new eyes and were amazed at how obvious it was. One thng that can be said after all this is a new phrase I have coined

The truth can always see a lie but a lie can't aways see the truth.


JFK Assassination - Zapruder Fake Film

Recently I began to build a website regarding the JFK assassination and the Faking of the Zapruder film.

While investigating the film there were many inconsistenices that became apparent. These can be found at http://www.rejectz.com/ or the direct link of the JFK assassination website at http://www.rejectz.com/jfk.htm

In the photo above taken from a higher quality JPG's but there are a number of inconsistenices.

The picture here are supposed to represent two black men, one behind and one closer to the screen. They are both said to be clapping as the motorcade goes past as in the site banner above on the page.
The picture is indicative of photo fakery and edits. Zapruder is fake.

Point 1
The rear black man, that we call One Leg Man has what suspiciously looks like a pasted on head. he has no rear neck at all. The pixilation of green carries through where his neck should be. He is a black man, he should have a black neck. His grey suit is rather shadowy and translucent when compared to other parts of the picture. He has another green pixelation patch on the sleeve where his inner elbow is.

Point 2.
Compare the detail on the so called front "black man", who we call green man. Compare the detail at the back of his head to the black patch at the front that is supposed to represent his face. Look closely in this area, one could argue shadows but then shadows would go all the way down to his chest instead of ending, as the black patch does and then begins again.

Point 3.
Why does it look like there are pair of sunglasses in the middle of the picture down towards the bottom? Pay close attention to the middle section. Remember both these men are supposed to be clapping. We are supposed to be looking at the man behind's hands clapping. Is that what you see? How many people are in this picture and where exactly are they standing. Using Photoshop filters we are showing you here a few different perspectives of the same photo.
Point 4

The front man is supposed to be black, take a close look at his left hand, other than the shadows not matching pay close attention to the coloration on the wrist area and the dark patch at the fingers. One his right hand, well that whole area bears close scrutiny.
Remember here, if the photos are edited, they are edited to hide something, to change something. Because it is edited or edited out we can't see what was originally there, what was, we can only see the traces or remnants of the editing. We can only see the lie because what we are seeing is not the truth.
We can not, by looking at this picture tell what really was happening but what we can do is show you that possibly what you are supposed to be seeing, is not what you are seeing.

There is much more about this to be found on the website in question. http://www.rejectz.com/jfk2.htm